Replica Gucci Dionysus Super Mini Bag 476432 Orange White Leather
The Gucci Dionysus Super Mini Bag 476432 Orange White Leather is a structured leather chain bag that comes with a key ring that can be used to attach it to a larger bag. The bag is made of resistant textured leather and features a burnt orange and white grainy leather exterior with black grainy leather trim and hibiscus red metal-free tanned leather accents. The closure of the bag is a unique textured tiger head spur closure that references the Greek god Dionysus. enriched with Swarovski crystal stones. The bag also features palladium-toned hardware. a chain shoulder strap with a 60cm drop. and a pin closure with side release. The bag can fit a cell phone up to W69mm x H142mm x D7mm and the Gucci card case wallet will fit inside the product. The bag measures W16.5cm x H10cm x D4cm.
- – Size: W16.5cm x H10cm x D4cm
- – Burnt orange and white grainy leather
- – Black grainy leather trim
- – Hibiscus red metal-free tanned leather
- – Tiger head with crystals
- – Palladium-toned hardware
- – Attached key ring that can attach to a separate bag
- – Chain shoulder strap with 60cm drop
- – Pin closure with side release
- – This item can fit a cell phone up to W69mm x H142mm x D7mm
- – The Gucci card case wallet will fit inside this product
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