Replica Gucci Zumi Grainy Leather Small Shoulder Bag 576388
A new shape introduced to the Gucci Zumi line for Pre-Fall 2019. the small shoulder bag in burgundy grainy leather is enriched with the collection’s distinctive Interlocking G Horsebit. Gucci continues to bring House icons to the forefront in unexpected ways. merging two of its codes into one symbol in a modern mix of silver and gold tones. First presented in Spring Summer 2019. Gucci Zumi takes its name from actress and experimental musician Zumi Rosow. who walked the runway carrying the bag. The shoulder bag has a flap with a special bar closure that open when both sides are pushed in together.
– 24 x 16 x 4.5 cm
– Grainy leather
– Shiny gold- and silver-toned hardware
– Interlocking G Horsebit??inspired by an archival piece. the hardware combines two of the House’s most historical motifs in a mix of metals
– Three interior gussets
– Interior zipper and open pockets
– Adjustable leather strap with 21.5″ drop
– Flap closure
– Viscose lining
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