Replica Louis Vuitton Artsy MM Classic Monogram Empreinte mbossed white Leather shoulder bag M93449
The Louis Vuitton Artsy MM Classic Monogram Empreinte Embossed White Leather Shoulder Bag M93449 is a beautifully crafted and functional handbag. It is made from supple Monogram Empreinte embossed leather and features a handmade. cross-stitched handle that easily slips over the shoulder. The bag is detailed with gleaming golden hardware. including engraved eyelets. a D-ring. and a key holder. The interior is roomy and well-organized. with a large inside zipped pocket and six inside flat pockets (three on each side). The bag also has four protective metal bottom studs. The handle is a single. supple grained cowhide-leather trim. The bag measures 41 x 32 x 22 cm (length x height x width) and is white in color. The lining is made of textile and the hardware is gold-colored. The bag also comes with a key bell with a key ring and hook.
Product details
- 41 x 32 x 22?cm(length x height x width )
- white
- Monogram Empreinte embossed supple grained cowhide leather and supple grained cowhide leather
- Supple grained cowhide-leather trim
- Textile lining
- Gold-color hardware
- Key bell with key ring and hook
- Large inside zipped pocket
- 6 inside flat pockets (3 on each side)
- 4 protective metal bottom studs
- Handle : Single
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